Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Feed Time

Feeding the fish of an evening. As the new year progresses I will post some more photo's of what we do on the farm.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bad, bad day

Bad day on Monday. I went down to feed the fish in the morning, found out that I had forgotten to turn off one of the water pumps and had one very full pond. So, I thought that I would just set up the pipe to siphon some of the water out. After trying several times I thought that I had it and started to take the end of the pipe over the edge of the pond wall, only to stand on a star picket.

After coming home from town, the tyre valve blew on the front tyre of the ute and let all the air in the tyre out in about 10 seconds.

A few other little things happened as well but that's just life.


We all had a nice quiet Christmas day. Pity that I had to work the next day.