Sunday, December 20, 2009

Only 6 Sleeps to Go!

This may be the last post before Christmas, so from our family to you, we hope you have a merry Christmas, enjoy the holidays, please drive safely, and above all... remember the real reason for the season... Christmas!

Fox Trouble

Unfortunately, we've had a bit of a sad week with our pet chooks. On Wednesday, I found one of our ladies dead in the coop, presumably egg-bound, and during Friday night, L awoke, hearing a raucous in the chook yard. Going to investigate, he found one of the hens by the gate (instead of inside the coop) and no sign of Leonard, our rooster. I saw the guilty culprit, a fox, on my walk Sabbath morning. We've never before had to lock up our chooks at night, because, whilst there are plenty of foxes around, we've never been bothered by them. I can only assume that where we disposed of the egg-bound hen alerted the fox to the other chooks. Anyway, it is a bit sad, and we haven't told Miss A yet, she was very fond of Leonard. Needless to say, we will be locking up our chooks from now on.

We...Love A Parade

Last Thursday night we had our local "Pageant of Lights" parade, which is always very exciting. this year was extra-special, as we were all involved. Miss A was adorable as a little angel, and rode in the school bus with me, and Master B was a hit as he sat in the fire truck with L, waving to all his beloved fans :D (Unfortunately, no pics of him, as the photographer was busy driving the truck).

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Beach Fun

Another great afternoon at the beach, and a major breakthrough with both children as far as getting into the water. Upon arriving at the basin, Master B was quite happy to walk with his daddy up to his knees in the water, and then, switching to mummy, went out up to his waist. Both mummy and daddy were quite shocked, as generally he would be screaming.

Seeing how much fun her brother was having, Miss A wanted to go out into the water as well, and as you can see, she is enjoying herself with no fear...AMAZING!

However, what we do not have a picture of is when Master B got a little bit too curious about what water is all about and decided to bury his face in the water. Needless to say he got quite a fright and didn't particularly enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Happily, though, he did get back in the water again shortly before we left, so all progress was not lost.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Growing Up

L took this incidental photo yesterday. For those who haven't seen Miss A for a while, it shows how grown-up she is looking these days :( / :)


The post title speaks for itself.

Awww... What a cute li'l girl

Pool, Anyone?

To celebrate Miss A's gymnastics break-up (and all of her friends at gymnastics), the club organised a party at one of the local pools today. It was great fun, and even Daddy took time off work to come! Miss A has certainly come a long way just from participating in gymnastics this year, as far as confidence and other physical aspects, which makes us very proud. We meant to take a lot of photos of the fun at the pool, but it turns out that juggling two small children (and one that was way past nap-time and very cranky) around a pool centre filled with crowds of people doesn't leave much opportunity for taking photos.