Sunday, September 13, 2009

Random Pics

We recently acquired a rooster, as some extra company for our hens. He's a little bantam, so it might be nice to have some chicks that are a mixture. By about the third morning we were used to his crowing, and now L sleeps right through it.

The 4 ladies.

The proud young rooster, now with some hens to call his own.

Recently, at a potluck luncheon, We served pumpkin soup in a hollowed out MASSIVE pumpkin. It was quite effective.

It was so big, Master B could fit inside.

He really enjoys his food, this boy - just can't get enough!


On father's day night, we went to a friend's house for fondue - yummy!

And it was awesome entertainment when the cork was popped, except nobody noticed the sparkling grape juice going everywhere! Apparently the tablecloth has survived well, and is back to the original colour.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sand Town

As Miss A's reward for earning 6 stamps on her "happy day chart" this week, she chose to go to the beach, to "build a whole town out of sand". According to her, there are 5 sandcastles in a town, so that is what we made...until our little town was flooded...

Master B enjoyed the sand immensely, until it was nap-time and it just all became too much.

As the song goes: "don't build your house on the sandy land, don't build it too near the shore..."
Great advice.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Words

Well, our little man sure is growing up fast! He has been busily adding words to his vocabulary for the last month or so. Here are some words we have been able to understand so far:
Other than a very primitive "mamma" and "dadda", the first word was "Amen", after saying blessing one morning.
He now says "mamma" and "daddy" quite clearly.
He greets me with "There! There! There!" when I pick him up from his cousins' house on Tuesday afternoons.
I've heard him say "no" once, I'm sure there's more of that to come.
Possibly following in the footsteps of his big sister, who strung her first 3 word sentence together at 15 months, he put two words together last Monday "I do".
And the most recent word he has learned (over yesterday and today): "puss".
There are more, no doubt, that I haven't thought of, but that will do for now, at least.