Monday, February 21, 2011

Fully Sick

Well, it sure has been somewhat of a nightmarish week in our home. The week before last, the kids caught a cold/cough, which is not really eventful, they haven't had one in a long time. Thankfully, and rather miraculously, I didn't get it, although L did. I think God knew I wouldn't have been able to handle coming down with a cold while getting over the "morning" sickness. Last week the kids caught a stomach bug and were up for two non-consecutive nights vomiting. They were nice enough to share that bug with me, though. L didn't get that bug, which is probably just as well, since he was suffering quite badly with a lingering cough that was causing him chest and back pain. While the kids got over it fairly quickly, I have been affected by the nasty illness since Wednesday, and only today (Monday) am I feeling almost back to my old self again, although the house is back to being an unlivable mess, again.

Okay, enough about being sick... in more delightful news, I am 15.5 weeks along now, and fairly certain I felt some kicks yesterday, which is pretty awesome. I have a Dr appointment tomorrow and will (hopefully) finally hear that little heartbeat. So far the gold ring and strand of hair test indicates "boy", whilst the heart rate theory suggests "girl". All going well, we'll find out towards the end of March for sure (depending upon a cooperative baby at the ultrasound). To be honest, either would be lovely and I have no particular preference, except that bub is healthy, but I want to prepare clothes, etc. for either girl or boy, rather than stay gender neutral.
This week has had some hot afternoons, and today was the hottest, I am sure looking forward to the thunderstorm tonight to cool things down a bit.

Have a great week ;)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Watch This Space...

That's right, for those who don't already know our happy news, we are expecting another wee bairn later this year. Both L and I are thrilled, and very excited to welcome the new little one into the world, even though it is still a long way off. We have just begun the second trimester, which is a huge relief for me, after a couple of months of nausea, serious vomiting and, well, just sheer exhaustion (baby growing is awfully hard work!). But now that all that is 99.9% gone and I am getting bursts of energy, the house this week has been slowly getting back into a livable condition. In fact, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last week were my busiest house-cleaning days in a long while. Usually Thursday is my house-cleaning day, leaving Friday for cooking and winding down for the Sabbath, but my 3 very full-on days last week included vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, sweeping spiders and spiderwebs from the cornices, wiping skirting boards, cleaning the computer desk, thoroughly cleaning the kitchen a number of times, cleaning windows, two ante-natal appointments at the hospital and grocery shopping (for the first time since mid-December... L has kindly been going in evenings and buying the essentials). Our home is now back to the organised and clean condition that I have always tried to keep it in, and for the first time since being sick we actually got to have our traditional Friday night candle-lit tea, which was lovely.

Until after the first trimester, we usually keep our secret as a "need to know" kind of thing, so aside from some visitors that found out in early December, 2 or 3 essential people at church, and L and I and the kids, nobody else had been clued in until Friday, when my parents received a package in the mail announcing the news. As soon as L knew that they had both gotten the news, he was bursting to tell everyone and sent out mass text messages immediately.
And so, there you have it, if you're wondering why I've been quiet lately, that's the reason, but now that I'm eating (fairly) normally again, and am able to maintain the house reasonably well, things have improved out of sight.

Miss A will be receiving her first distance education curriculum order this week, which is a learning to read course. It is actually grade one curriculum, because she is too advanced for the prep curriculum, which is where her chronological age is at. If you're interested in seeing what's going on with her schooling, I have started up a separate blog for that, you can get to it by clicking on the link "view my complete profile" and then clicking on our homeschooling blog, or you can copy and paste this address: into your browser bar.

Okay, well, now that all of that news is said, it's time to go and relax from all of this house-cleaning ;) have a good week, everyone.
Wow, sorry about how long this post is :)