So...you fancy yourself as a bit of a fisherman, eh? Well, I bet you don't catch a guaranteed couple of hundred fish every time you go fishing. These boys do, looks like fun, doesn't it?

Here's how it's done:
Step 1: Load up the truck with eskys, crates and ice;
Step 2: Pile the net into the rowboat, and slowly (whilst standing) row around the pond, dropping the net out the back of the boat as you go, looks tricky, doesn't it? :p
Step 3: Drag the net in, hopefully full of fish
Step 4: Go swimming :), no really, pulling the net up to stop it sinking down into the silt
Step 5: Scoop up a crate-load of fishies, hmmm, a nice slimy shower...
Step 6: Dunk 'em in some clove oil (& water) to knock 'em out
Step 7: Give the nephew the pleasant task of hauling them up the dam wall to the truck...
This little guy got caught in the net too, there are plenty of them around the place
One of the perks of living on a fish farm - you get to pat anything Daddy catches, even if you don't really want to...
Step 10: Stack 'em up and take 'em down to the freezer
Feeding the Fish
Daddy's little helper
Feeding frenzy - these silver perch certainly aren't very dignified diners
These fingerlings are just a couple of inches long, another two years of growing and they'll be just right :). There's another 10,000 fingerlings arriving this week, just 25mm long. How cute...well, not really...
So now you know what Mondays are like on our farm. I still don't get why L prefers winter to summer, air-conditioned rooms, swimming...doesn't make sense... :p