Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Kids These Days...!

We went to the playground on Tuesday; Master B and I looked on mostly, while Miss A had a ball!

Queen of the Castle!

This slide was a bit too slippery!

mmmm, this looks delicious

Hey, good lookin'

It's a jungle out there!
Can you see Miss A lost in all of that?

Having a ride on a rocker, and yes, that is Brayden slipping out between the seat and the handrail as I take the picture.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Great Balls of Fire

On Friday Afternoon, we had violin lessons at our house for Miss L and Master M. It was a great thrill for Miss A, to have her friends at our house, this week. We went for a walk through the farm just before Sabbath set in, followed by a fire and tea. We had two very tired children the next day I-|

'Twas a nice warm, fire, and surprisingly the mozzies weren't too bad.

L. likes to muck around with his camera, and make "great balls of fire" :P

This is the kind of photo I like - when you can't quite see me :P

Miss A.'s Artwork of the Week

This week Miss A. and I made some pictures using glue and glitter. It has proved to be quite messy - but very fun. She has a ball doing it.

This one is a combined effort on the part of both Miss A. and Mummy. If you look hard, you might make out two snap dragons (a mummy and a "darlin'"), a rose, a tree (off to the left side) and a beautiful blue sky, complete with twinkling stars :). The blue flower is Fifi the Flower Tot and the purple bee is Bumble, Fifi's friend.

She did this one all by herself (circles, squares and triangles were drawn by Mummy upon special request). It is a family portrait, which also includes Grandad (perhaps because he was driving by on a tractor at the time it was being drawn?). It is a rather abstract work of art, you may need to squint and stand back some in order to see the intended picture...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Time For an ... EASTER EGG HUNT!!!

The Easter Bunny came to our place this morning, and left some nice little chocolate surprises (of the egg variety :D) around our yard. There were 12 eggs in all, and I got my morning giggle by listening to Miss A. running around picking up eggs and exclaiming "oooh I am a lucky girl! I need to go and put this in my pile!"

mmmmm...they weren't exactly well hidden (and she still had trouble finding them) :)

The proud owner of 12 shiny Easter eggs

We then went to visit Granny Mac, where the little girl promptly ate every cherry tomato she could see growing in the garden, and came away with 2 chocolate bunnies, one of which was almost entirely eaten by the time we got home

Miss A. Showing off her new best friend :D all smiles

The end of the day, and now all hyped up on chocolate, and still having more...!

Day at the beach

Going for a walk with daddy.

Yummy sand!

Just getting my daily mineral intake.

What animal is this .......

If you you think you know what this is, leave your answer as a comment. We will let you know what it is in a couple of weeks.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Feeling Groovy

What type of Mother Hen Are You?
by Educational Resource

I just took a questionnaire using Montessori Mum, to see what kind of mother hen I am. I like it :D