Well, as the post title says, children come up with the strangest - and cutest - things, often because they mishear something. Here are a few of Miss A's classics - I look forward to hearing what Master B's will be over the next couple of years...
From "Brahm's Lullaby"
Actual words:Lullaby, and goodnight, you're mother's delight,
'Round your bed, Angels guard, and keep watch through the night.
Close your eyes, now
and rest, may these hours be
Close your eyes, now
and rest, may these hours be
Miss A seems to hear the last section as:Close your eyes, now
at last, may these hours be
Close your eyes, now
at last, may these hours be
g-lassed (very dramatic ending).
It's cute, but I don't know how it makes sense in her mind :D
From "Baa Baa black sheep"Baa Baa black sheep have you any
Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags
One for the master, and one for the
dameand one for the little boy who lives down the lane.
Miss A's version (about a year ago):Baa Baa black sheep have you any
Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags
fourOne for the master and one for the
gameand one for the little boy who lives down the lane.
I guess it could make sense...kind of?
From "El Shaddai"
El-Shaddai, El-Shaddai...
Miss A's version:
How should I? How should I?
Well, it is in Hebrew, so she wouldn't know any better, I suppose
Now away from songs, and onto a bit of childhood wisdom. Apparently, at least according to Miss A, the difference between boys and girls is this:
Boys don't know...and girls can't remember!
She says it very emphatically, as though it's a fact everybody should already know, I don't know how she came up with it...
One last little tidbit, Miss A is now recognising some letters, and started calling the capital letters "mummy" letters, and the lowercase letters "baby" letters, that's fair enough, however the last couple of days she has decided that the mummy letters should in fact be called "
Bonnie" letters...go figure :D