Well, our little man sure is growing up fast! He has been busily adding words to his vocabulary for the last month or so. Here are some words we have been able to understand so far:
Other than a very primitive "mamma" and "dadda", the first word was "Amen", after saying blessing one morning.
He now says "mamma" and "daddy" quite clearly.
He greets me with "There! There! There!" when I pick him up from his cousins' house on Tuesday afternoons.
I've heard him say "no" once, I'm sure there's more of that to come.
Possibly following in the footsteps of his big sister, who strung her first 3 word sentence together at 15 months, he put two words together last Monday "I do".
And the most recent word he has learned (over yesterday and today): "puss".
There are more, no doubt, that I haven't thought of, but that will do for now, at least.