The past 24 hours have been rather tiring in our little household. Last night, shortly after bedtime, Miss A fell out of her bed (despite there being a bed-rail), she was in considerable pain and wouldn't let me touch her arm. L was on his way home from town at the time, kindly buying us some take-away, so when he arrived home again (well past kiddies bedtime) we all piled into the car, and off to the emergency room, where, after several x-rays and no obvious fractures showing, we were given instructions to return tomorrow afternoon if she was still in pain. At 10:30pm we finally arrived home again, where both children promptly went to sleep. We were awoken early in the morning, at around 2:45 and gave Miss A more pain relief, and then L left to go to work (yes, at 3am, believe it or not, that's sleeping in for a Sunday morning) neither L nor I got much more sleep that night. In the morning Miss A was still miserable, and we were all very tired, but she insisted on going to her friend's 4th birthday party. On the way home I bought her pizza for lunch, hoping to lift her spirits, but she barely touched it. then, after a short nap for the children, the 4 of us went back to the hospital. After waiting just a short time, we went in to see the same Dr as the night before, who decided that a back slab cast would be the best option. And so a short time later, we emerged from the hospital with one rather bandaged little girl. During the day we had to try quite hard to get any smiles out of her, but with her cast on, she is much happier, in fact since we arrived home and had a bath and some tea, she has been singing and playing and is back to her old self, without the use of one arm.
Here is some of the story, in pictures:

Miss A, sleeping comfortably in the emergency waiting room

Master B, waiting patiently in the emergency waiting room

Miss A the next morning, feeling sore and rather sorry for herself

Miss A, back in emergency that afternoon, being examined and awaiting her cast, and still very sore and miserable

Master B, very tired from a late night, and not too happy that sis is getting all the attention, but still being a good boy and waiting very patiently

Getting her cast on, and sucking on an iceblock

Master B, also sucking on an iceblock and...still...waiting...patiently...

24 hours after the drama started, and she is back to her usual, smiley, happy self
Panadol does wonders!