Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wet Wet Wet

Well, as much as I (B.) am enjoying the rain, L. is starting to get a bit "over it". Our place is just a big, muddy, slushy, mosquito-ridden, toad infested bog at this point. It has been raining most days for the last couple of weeks, and only has the odd chance to dry out, and really that's not enough. And it would be nice for Miss A. to be able to play outside again.
Also forgetful Jones (L.) forgot to turn on one of his paddle wheels on Friday night, so he has been picking a a few hundred kilos of dead fish. It's wicked fun, just ask him. He was hooking up syphon hoses trying to stop his fish ponds from overflowing, and was so busy thinking about that that he forgot to flip a simple switch... He's not impressed.
When he gets a chance, I'll get him to take a few photos of things around the house (so you can see how wet it is), and around the farm, just so you can see what's growing these days, other than fish.
My veggie patch is pretty much done with producing cucumbers, thank goodness, I had them coming out of my ears, well, not literally, but the crisper in the fridge and the bottom shelf were choc-a-block with them. My veggie patch is also pretty much flooded and totally over the rainy weather.
Miss A. has been going to toddlergym for the last three weeks, and after a few emotional breakdowns during the first 2 sessions (she gets very overwhelmed around other children), she has finally warmed up to it and we had a really good time last week. We were going to take some photos during the last session, but unfortunately L. wasn't able to make it in to take the photos, and I am too dense to understand his camera :).
L. bought me the most awesome Valentine's Day present, and gave it to me early, on Thursday. 'Tis an electric violin, and is totally awesome. it is purple and shiny and new and awesome (he bought it on ebay :) ). It's a silent electric one, which is what I need, because I haven't been able to practice my violin decently for a couple of years, since Miss A. was born. Let's just say the children don't appreciate fine music :D. So now I can plug in a pair of headphones and it's totally awesome. Don't have an amp yet, but hey, accessories are something to work towards :D, amp, effects pedal, etc... Did I mention it's awesome? Well it is...awesome. We'll put a photo of it on sometime. Totally awesome.

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