Saturday, December 19, 2009

Beach Fun

Another great afternoon at the beach, and a major breakthrough with both children as far as getting into the water. Upon arriving at the basin, Master B was quite happy to walk with his daddy up to his knees in the water, and then, switching to mummy, went out up to his waist. Both mummy and daddy were quite shocked, as generally he would be screaming.

Seeing how much fun her brother was having, Miss A wanted to go out into the water as well, and as you can see, she is enjoying herself with no fear...AMAZING!

However, what we do not have a picture of is when Master B got a little bit too curious about what water is all about and decided to bury his face in the water. Needless to say he got quite a fright and didn't particularly enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Happily, though, he did get back in the water again shortly before we left, so all progress was not lost.

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