Our little (that ought to read BIG) bundle of joy (that ought to read MUSCLE) was born on August 22nd, 2011. The poor little guy was stubborn until the very end and only an induction could force him out, and even then he took his sweet time. He's still quite a stubborn boy, as we all knew he would be, but he is a super easy baby, very "chill", relaxed, hardly makes a fuss. Hmm, I think I've just jinxed my afternoon, as whenever I boast about him like that he throws a tantrum. Here's the stats:
Blog Nickname: Master R
Length: 52cm (same as Miss A at birth)
Head Circ.: 35.4 (same as Miss A at birth)
Weight:8lb15.5oz (just shy of 9lb)
He was 6kg by his 6 week appointment, and he's just had his 4 month appointment, weighing in at 8kg, that's quite big, if that seems a little abstract to you.
He was practically born smiling and cooing and holding his head up, so he is our little muscle-man.
In other news, Miss A is reading quite well (for a 5 year old), and is gaining confidence everyday. Master B is learning to recognise letters and numbers nicely, and enjoys sitting down for his "schoolwork" when Miss A does hers.
We have begun landscaping our front yard, with the the help of my dad and step-mum, and can't wait to see what it will look like when it is complete (although it might take a while, work is intermittent and dependent on weather).
We have a rooster an two hens, that keep us in good supply of eggs (help! we have too many!), and ensure we don't sleep in.
Well, I think that will do for now. Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!
Oh, and while we're all pigging out on the goodies that inevitably accompany this time of the year let's remember the reason for the season:

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