Well, it's been almost four years since our last post, how positively slack of me! Not that there's been anything major happen in that time...let's see if we can have a quick catch-up...(although you probably are aware of most of this)
* We have a new dog, border collie x blue heeler, named Shadow. We got him from the RSPCA when he was 8 weeks old, he's now about 2&1/2 years old. He's supposed to be our "snake dog", you know, for protecting the yard against snakes. So far he has proved to be a bit useless at that, but very good at finding ways to be a nuisance (this post is not short enough to list them all, trust me).
* We bought two canaries, a male and a female, named Harry and Holly. That night we had an earthquake. Holly died the next day, it was all just too much for her - moving house and then earthquakes and all. So we got another female, also named Holly. Eventually they will have babies, and that will be fun, but for now they entertain us with their gorgeous, cheerful singing.
* We had two (female) guinea-pigs, one each for Miss A and Master B. Master B's died. Master R became old enough to have one, so we bought two more (females). Then those two both died earlier this year. We subsequently bought them two rats, a male and a female. Which leads us to the next...
* We bought two rats, a male and a female. They are able to breed every four weeks - YIKES! That is okay with us (well, maybe not EVERY four weeks) because it will be a good way for the boys to earn some money - the pet shop has said they will buy the babies...which leads us to the next...again...
* The rats have had their first litter of babies! There are ten pink little wiggly jelly-bean looking things with arms and legs wriggling around and squeaking on the bottom of the cage right now. The proud mummy and daddy have been separated (apparently she can get pregnant again the very same day/night, that might have happened already). Interesting tidbit - having a neutering operation for a male rat will cost $190.00!!! We bought a new cage, as well as rat toys, guinea-pig igloos, and tasty rodent treats (no, I did not taste test them), and it all still cost less than that! Plus we have the option of more rat babies whenever we want.
* Home schooling is still happening, and we love it! The college they have been enrolled in since Aleena was old enough for preschool has undergone some curriculum changes over the last couple of years, so we're moving onwards and upwards and doing our own thing, more of that over at the Jo's Home's Cool blog, if you're interested.
* Our house seems to be full of animal cages!
* The Mister is no longer really doing the fish thing on the farm. It's just not cost efficient when you factor in freight costs, electricity, etc. But...he does grow some awesome strawberries (among other things but the strawberries are sooooo good).
* My baby died - that's Ankle (my puppy dog) by the way. He was sick and on heart medication for about a year, He died on Christmas Eve, about ten minutes before midnight. It was a blessing that he didn't die on Christmas, but we still had to bury him on Christmas day. I still cry for him almost every day.
* The kids are growing up pretty fast, Miss A is 10, and quite a responsible young lady, Master B is 7, soon to be 8, and into everything boyish, trampolines, lego, kicking balls, teasing siblings... Master R is 4 & 1/2, and also very much a boy - a cuddly, jealous-for-attention, "helper"-in-the-kitchen, addicted to watching "little bear", stuffed-toy-elephant-collecting, thinks-himself-independent, boy.
* Miss A has a couple of pen pals from around the world now, one in France, one in the USA, possibly one in the UK, and possibly another in Russia (we are waiting for responses) plus a good friend (also a homeschooler) she writes to who lives about 20 minutes away, we visit with them fortnightly.
Well, that's probably all you care to read for this post. I am going to head over to the homeschooling blog to update that, and then I am going to sleep. I've had a big day. Might tell you about it tomorrow night...*yawn*

Again, awfully sorry about not posting in so long, I feel very sheepish and very baa-aaa-aaa-aaa--aaad, yes, that is a baa-aaa-aaa-aaa-aaad joke, sorry again.