Sunday, April 17, 2016

Rock On

We generally try to go "somewhere" and do "something" on Sabbath afternoons, whether it is a walk along the beach or a nature walk through a bush trail, but last Sabbath afternoon, we missed on our outing, due to the Mister having had a plantar wart removed (rather viciously, I'm sure he thinks) from the heel of his foot.  Certainly walking long distances, or even short ones, was not going to happen. Although he managed to hobble around at Church, by lunchtime his whole leg was aching, so I will share with you some pictures of our afternoon's outing from the previous Sabbath, which I had meant to post earlier than this...oops.
We actually went to one of the local dive sites where there are some nice rockpools, the kids had great fun splashing some toys in them.  So, without further ado:

The pictures really don't do it justice, the sponges and tiny reef fish found in the rockpools truly are beautiful to look at.
Here's a couple of photos from the little circus we went to, also.  Before the show started he gave the kids a demonstration of feeding the monkeys and had a bit of a chat about them.

In other happenings, we decided to get another male rat because the daddy one is lonely now that he is in another cage, so we bought a little pure white one.  His name is Snowy.  It's funny how you forget how small little animals are when you first got them; we went to put Snowy into his new cage with Mousie (the daddy), which isn't specifically a rat cage, but a "small animal" cage, and he just escaped right through the bars! Well, we were ready for him luckily and he just went right into someone's hands, but that meant that he would have to go in with the mummy and babies until he was a little fatter.  Unfortunately for him, mother rat decided that he must be one of her babies and, despite obviously being weaned, she forced him to suckle along with the other babies.  he resisted very strongly at first, but by the next morning mother rat had won the fight and he was found with all the other babies, drinking milk, despite protesting often with loud squeaks.  This morning however, we were finally able to put him in with the other male without him escaping, and the two of them seem to be good friends, snuggled up together in their little hammock.
Well, such are the mundane details of my week.  I have started posting a few pics to my instagram account, if you're interested, mostly it will be about the home schooling stuff we do day to day.
Cheers, have a good week!

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