A new bedroom:- We've spent the last few months (yes it really did take the long :@ ) fitting out and preparing a new bedroom for the children to share. So far they love it, as it also has all of their toys, which makes it a tight squeeze :D they have so many toys!
Great-nana's 100th birthday:- A trip to Gympie to catch up with long lost relies, and an enormous gathering of friends to celebrate the 100 year-long life of B's great-nana.

A visit from the Brisbanites:- L's oldest sister and family came up for a two week long visit, which was lovely. They have a boy that is just a month or so older than Master B, very cute.
Master B's first "real" haircut:- In the past he has had the odd "fringe cut", but never the back or sides. I had to hold back tears as they cut off my golden haired boy's beautiful locks. Well, they were getting a bit too "beautiful", he was getting mistaken for a girl on a regular basis *sniff* I find consolation in knowing that his hair will grow back very fast.
Master B's beautiful golden locks before his 1st "real" haircut

8th Wedding Anniversary:- We went out for a nice meal at Sizzler to celebrate our 8 happy years, the kids thought it was so exciting to go out.
Well, it might not seem like much, but it has kept us busy :)
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