Saturday, February 6, 2010

Verbal Communication

I often think that at the end of each post I should put something funny, or cute, that Miss A or Master B has said throughout the week, but I usually write the blog so late I can't think of what I wanted to put in it. This week, however, it is the focus of the post, so...
Yesterday Miss A asked a question out of such childlike curiosity I had to put it in, I thought it was so cute "what is over the end of the ocean?" So innocent that her world is small enough to have never worried about what is over beyond the horizon, and the way she asked implied that the ocean dropped off like a cliff, cute! :D
And today she brought a book to me from the bookshelf as a present. She placed it gently in my hands and whispered "there you go, it's not much, but it's yours now", very sweet.
And as for Master B, his milestone this week was finally deciding to say "Boo!" when playing peek-a-boo, instead of just laughing hysterically.
Ahh, such joys.

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